In order to assess the current MAXDOAS network in terms of  instrument calibration and operation and to identify the potential candidate instruments for future inclusion in the FRM4DOAS processing system, a dedicated questionnaire has been created and is made available below:

FRM4DOAS questionnaire (Word version)

FRM4DOAS questionnaire (pdf version)

It is kindly asked to MAXDOAS instrument(s) PIs to fill this questionnaire indicating their interest for eventual future participation in the NDACC MAX-DOAS Service and to return it by e-mail to François Hendrick from BIRA-IASB (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Please note that we cannot accept new instruments for the moment because the NDACC MAX-DOAS Service is currently working in a demonstration mode only. New instruments will be again accepted when the Service will become fully operational, i.e. around end of 2022. Thank you for your patience and in the meantime, filled-in questionnaires are welcome.