One important aspect in the harmonisation of MAXDOAS data sets through the development of a centralised processing service such as FRM4DOAS is the use of common requirements for instrument calibration and operation and common spectra file format. The guidelines for operation and calibration of MAXDOAS systems that will be part of the FRM4DOAS network are given below, as well as a description of the standard netCDF file format (+corresponding conversion tools) that will be used for reporting spectra data. These guidelines have been established based on the project deliverable D4 'MAXDOAS Calibration and Operations Best Practices Document' available at

User feedback about these documents and tools is always welcome and should be sent to Martina M. Friedrich at BIRA-IASB (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


FRM4DOAS instrument operation and calibration guidelines

Document in pdf (version 1.1-16.03.2018)


FRM4DOAS netCDF spectra file format

 Description: Document in pdf (version 3.14d-07.04.2022) + example file

 Format converters:


FRM4DOAS netCDF master level-2 file format

A description of the netCDF master level-2 file format can be found in the deliverable D20 document. Shortly, cdl representations of the three different level2 files will be made availble here.